Okay, many of you know I am a Wildcat. No let's not go THERE people, but I am a Chico graduate with a B.A. in Communication Design, with an emphasis in Graphic Design. A Chico State Wildcat and proud of it (CSU, Chico).
So with that being stated, I am often blessed with inquiries to my abilities as a graphic designer with many years of marketing and who exactly I am in this somewhat unique pairing (meaning Steve & I). We are both extremely social people that are equally hard workers and quick minded. I am although NOT a REALTOR®. I am completely submerged in the world of real estate. Steve is the housing aficionado and REALTOR®. So we are not a typical "coined" team. But in that same respect, I find us just as powerful and just effective if not more so (only in my biased and humble opinion). Take a look for yourself.
Oh and yes that REALLY is Steve in photo shoots. I have had people state that I did a good job, photoshopping Steve in on a few of the postcards ... that is Steve O alright. I do fancy myself a great photoshop gal, and a good form of fun for birthdays and special occasions, but in this case, that is the real deal. Thanks to all who participate.
Are you really still reading?
To continue on with my background ... I have experience with direct mail, billboards and branding for companies on various levels. I worked in Downtown Sac for many years, off and on, and enjoyed my experience tremendously there. Then I ventured on my own.
This has all taken backseat as Steve's business has surged and expanded as I knew it would, plus the introduction of little ones. I have since transferred my energies and applied my talents towards Steve's expanding business. I have really enjoyed working with Steve ever since. I have applied my people skills and knowledge of marketing to successfully transition to real estate marketing and helping people prepare and present their homes. If you are a buyer, I may have not met you in person, but e-met you (aka via email). Sellers, Steve usually warns you before I step in. My intentions are good and my objective is to get what you need done. I also handle a good portion of Steve's e-communications.
SO there is your little nugget of Heather info if you are not already asleep yet.
My little Q&A
- What do you use for videos or virtual tours? www.WellcomeMat.com (I still use YouTube, but I was concerned with hearing rumblings of REALTOR videos getting yanked, so I use it as a backup as they support REALTOR videos). And "NO" I didn't spell welcome wrong ... that is how it is written. I really like the concepts and workings of the site.
- Who does your virtual tours and 360 views? I do all of my own virtual tours, photography, flyers and websites (so all in-house)
- Are you on Google or Yahoo? I do pride myself on most of my "google-ability" and try to improve constantly. Our rankings vary throughout the month. Yahoo we are doing extremely well.
- How easy will people find our listing? Your address will be found and associated with your listing and THEN some! Coldwell Banker does a tremendous job and we also marry it up with many other powerful and effective websites geared towards real estate. I also tag your website to show up on searches.
- Do you provide a website for your listings? You will have your own domain name for the duration your listing with US. Sample 1 and Sample 2 (basically if you leave us, so does your domain name). This also comes with a rider for your sign if you opt to have a sign on your property. Otherwise it will be online and on flyers retrieved either from the sign post or via your website.
- Heather, if your husband is reading this, what would you really love? I am still waiting for Santa to come and replace our 700p phone with an iPhone. (gotta capture your audience here with occasional humor people)
- What is your primary website for local information? Oh and I am trying to always update our primary site that I created: www.RosevilleAndRocklin.com with new local info at the very top
- Do you have your own property search engine through e-automation and a strong client database? Our property search engine: www.MakeTheJumpWithUs.com has been doing very well too and your property will be posted here too. Many clients regularly check in here on a daily basis to conduct their searches either through email or self-automation.
- Why the goldfish? "Make The Jump With Us" what is that all about? ... I like goldfish and I thought it was kind of funny and original. I cannot bring myself to pose Steve and I on our marketing in front of our names with a little ampersand on a real estate sign, so this is my best alternative. Besides, who doesn't like a fan-tail goldfish? Our demographics amongst lizards and boa constrictors has proven high returns in desirability. I jest, I jest. I love orange and it pairs up nicely with Coldwell Banker blue.
- Whom do we find working with primarily? move-up buyers, relocation, estate sales and much more. We are both golfers too ... hint hint.