Thank you Morgan for your business. You were SO wonderful to work with for the entire transaction. Morgan is the great new owner of an REO in the Arden Creek area. We are so lucky to have so many great people in our lives right now. Morgan found us on Google! We have moved up the charts on many important key terms on Google. And we have been received high marks from our main landing page
RosevilleAndRocklin.comWho are the pint-sized agents-in-training?? Okay so our family does like to go to closes. We have had a few people ask who the ladies are ... well they are our girls. We may not be the typical team, but we communicate well and we help those people who want to be helped with an effective manner.
We have been EXTREMELY busy! Thank you for all the referrals and we have been jumping on those internet leads. REO sales have been a definite part of our lives on the buyer side representation.
The market is evolving constantly, call us if you have questions. Email, IM or call us!
We have added language modification to our main website too ...
RosevilleAndRocklin.comInstant Message us for quick questions or ask for our resumés! (PDF)
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Have a great day and our thoughts go out to those who may be or have family endangered by these horrible fires.