Friday, May 8, 2009

Twitter & UStream ... finding new ways to meet our audience

If you are self-employed and not utilizing Twitter, you are missing out! Honest. It's an amazing forum of sharing and opportunities to find others with like minds and/or in your target audience. 

I don't necessarily talk at all about real estate, one because I myself am NOT a REALTOR and two that isn't the primary reason I delve occasionally into the Twitter world. There is so much marketing genius hiding in front of your eyes. 

Improving your business isn't always about promotion sometimes it is about improving yourself. You never know what the next door holds and what treasures another person may reveal to you even if unrelated to your goals. Life should be beauty full of different flowers! The most amazing things often come from unexpected places.

I have made amazing friendships & contacts already with just such a short amount of time. I treasure twitter for meeting people to bring joy, knowledge and feed my brain with more opportunities to improve myself both internally & from a business perspective.

Twitter is not a program where you post and let it go. You must interact to feel it's power & ability to change your perspective. The world becomes a much smaller place on Twitter.

Through Twitter, I have also been introduced to new ways of advertising such as UStream which I am anxious to try out. I am thinking of hosting an open house on Twitter for clients interested in having a virtual tour LIVE! Where we could interact and travel to the areas of the property requested. I have participated in many live chats to improve and observe the live feed w/chat rooms. It is amazing!

We must keep on moving and never be complacent with standing still. Knowledge is a continuous process to achieve success. I am always striving for new ways to improve my role as a marketing person for Steve. My role is to visually communicate to as many people I can and in a positive fashion. Create interest in a home has taken a new face in the marketing world and I want to be a part of that movement!

It is NOT okay just to post pictures and call it a day for a property listing in my book!

Congratulations! Selling a House, buying a Home ...

Well Steve's listing in Granite Bay is sold! Our lovely buyers found an amazing home in Lincoln Hills & IT IS a beauty. We were so lucky to have the honor of helping out with selling and buying their homes! What a wonderful experience. Thank you W's for letting us help you out. You were amazing to work with and thank you for the opportunity. I hope life in Del Webb Lincoln Hills treats you both kindly (as well as the golf course Gary).

I posted the pic with our daughter because I found it amusing that she thought she had to do her own photoshoot with our FLIP camera. She is a bossy little woman and I love it that she already feels the urge to point-and-click! She is my assistant in training, but with toddler temper tantrums on an occasion. Well she basically boiled over here ... That is OBVIOUSLY an Ostrom trait, that would NEVER be me. ;-)  If you don't have a FLIP video camera, why not? It is phenomenal. 

One of these days I am going to start getting people to give video endorsements! :-)
The flip ULTRA even comes with a tripod mount capability amongst many other things!

I must say, life has been treating us kindly. Steve has already made Masters Club for NEXT year! 2008 was great & 2009 is only getting better. If you didn't see us, Steve was in the SacBee last weekend for Masters Club. What is Master's Club? Click here.

Are you looking to buy or sell a home? is available now as well as many others ... I won't get too "queso" on you, but we do feel as though we do a great job marketing homes for sale. 

We may not be your cup of tea, but give us the opportunity for an interview!
We are a funny, hard working duo that gets the job done with a smile. It's cliché, but we aren't your average bear. ;-)

Any questions, call or email us? 916-308-2446