So I think every couple of weeks I am going to mention special people Steve and I have worked with over the years, particularly small business owners. Steve and I both subscribe the thought of trying to support local when we can, plus also supporting our friends and family, when appropriate. Some we have used their services or intend to in the future.
We realize not everyone is a perfect fit, but why not put it out there and see if their talents suit your needs?
Here are some spectacular people and their businesses. Check them out and see if they fit your needs.
Thanks to all that have supported us over the years. Right now, even more than ever is the time to seek out and support those around you that are working hard and putting forth a solid, quality product.
#1 Our first feature will be Dr. Nader Zanzi, DMD
Advanced Dental Care: Dr. Nader Zanzi & Dr. Raj Zanzi
6910 Douglas Blvd. Suite F Granite Bay, CA 95746
We worked with Nader and he has a beautiful dental office in Granite Bay. I have personally visited Nader's office, as well as Steve. He is gentle, has updated tools and options and is just an amazing person. You will not regret visiting his office. If you qualify as someone looking for a new dentist or are new to the area of Roseville, Rocklin or Granite Bay, give Nader a call. His staff is just as sweet.
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#2 Second, is a good friend of mine, Janet Brockman, certified massage therapist
Certified Massage Therapist in Roseville, CA
For locals of Roseville, you may recognize her name (her twin is Jill).
Janet offers a variety of massage services {Swedish, Therapeutic, Deep Tissue and Prenatal} as well as specialty therapies {Hot Stone Massage, Reflexology, Aromatherapy Body Wraps, Body Polishes, and Paraffin Hand and Foot Treatments. I, Heather Ostrom, went to Chico with Janet and she is not only a good friend, she is a healing soul to be near.
Right now, many of us are under a tremendous amount of stress whether from work, personal and/or from simply wearing more hats than we ever have in the past, check Janet out for your massage therapy needs. Her place is across the street from Bunz & Company. You will need to set appointments in advance, but it's worth it.
- 308 Judah Street Roseville, CA 95678
- 916.223.9468
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