First here's something I did not know that I think you all might find useful (Placer Co) ...
Did you know if you lock your child in the car (oops I have *almost done this*) ... you should of COURSE call 911 first (repeat first), but did you know Pop-A-Lock offers a FREE community service program called EDU -- Emergency Car Door Unlocking. It's part of Pop-A-Lock’s way of giving back to the community. Wow, that's awesome! Jot their number down right now: (916) 449-9004
So, back to re-keying as you know Steve is a REALTOR® with Coldwell Banker and though he even has a re-key disclosure, particularly for his bank owned properties, the same topic keeps on coming up ... "can we have all the keys in the lockbox?" -- My question is "Why?" You should ALWAYS, ALWAYS be re-keying a new property before one item of yours rests in that home.Who KNOWS who has the keys to the home. Re-key that home immediately. Don't wait!

photo courtesy of Pop-A-Lock: Yelp Reviews
So not only do the articles below touch on the importance of re-keying, it's also going to touch on the safety of locksystems. And NO I don't just like them because they have orange in their branding and logo (errr ... well maybe I do a little bit). We truly have treasured working with Kane, Jay Cleto (homeskillet Jay) and Jhenai and the entire team. Thanks for the great items to share Kane.
- Should I change (rekey) the locks between tenancies?
Yes! Always rekey the locks between tenancies. Failing to change the locks between tenancies can result in expensive claims of liability if your renter becomes a victim of a burglary or, even worse, a physical crime.
- How do I decide on which locksmith to use?
Always ensure the locksmith company is a California licensed locksmith, the employees are in marked vehicles & uniforms.
They should also quote a firm price up front.
- Who should I call if a child is locked in a car?
Call 911 first, but give Pop-A-Lock a call too at 1-800-POP-A-LOCK. Pop-A-Lock offers a FREE community service program called EDU -- Emergency Car Door Unlocking. It's part of Pop-A-Lock’s way of giving back to the community.
"Safe and Secure in Your New Home!"
It took you six months to find the perfect house and now your family is finally movingin, however, you may not be aware of who else may have a key to your new home.Just imagine the possibilities; the former owners may have given a duplicate key to the
neighbors, babysitters, repair people, teenage kids, or relatives. If someone used an old
key to enter your home, there would not be any sign of forced entry and even worse, the
burglar could return to take more items.
... “Every lock comes from the manufacturer with two
keys. If your new home has three doors with deadbolts then you should have four keys
to each door which is a total of 12 keys”, says Rob Reynolds, Director of Locksmith
Operations for Pop-A-Lock. Reynolds adds, “You have security with a lock only when
you can account for every key; if you are buying an existing home, pay for a qualified
and reputable locksmith to change the keyways and establish good key control from the
Additionally, Key-in-the knob locksets offer virtually NO security; if your home isequipped with these, they should be replaced. The most secure locks are double-
cylinder deadbolts, which require a key to operate from either side. The bolt (the part
that extends from the door) should be at least
one inch long, and should be hardened
steel. The strike (the plate which the bolt sticks into) should be installed with screws
long enough to engage the structural stud behind the doorframe (and not just the door
frame or trim like many are currently installed).
Pop-A-Lock provides residential re-key services and can change out the keyway to your
new home at a fraction of the cost of replacing the entire lock hardware. In addition to
fulfilling customer’s needs in a quick, professional and safe manner ...
Kane Wilkin is the owner of Pop-A-Lock of Sacramento. He canbe reached via email at or by calling 916-276-4797. Q&A and "Safe and Secure in Your New Home" are being re-published with permission of Kane W with Pop-A-Lock
Article below is the property of Pop-A-Lock: (provided via Kane W, Granite Bay Pop-A-Lock)
Posted via email from Living, Love and Real Estate: Roseville and Rocklin ~