Thanks Stephan for using us for your relocation to the Sacramento area! Stephan has found a beautiful new home. As per many of the last photos, our daughter insisted on being in the photo shoot.
So a few of you have asked, how we are doing ... we are doing GREAT!
RE: Bank-owned (also known as REOs, REPOs)properties
We have been working with many bank-owned properties, but let's not limit ourselves (meaning you). Take an opportunity to see what all is out there. It is definitely a different environment in the real estate world. Many bank-owneds are in good condition and many are NOT, and many have not been occupied for quite some time. Like everything, there is a variety out there. Consider the area, commute and general life upkeep whether a home is a good solution for you. A good deal is only as good as a good life it can bring to you on a daily basis.
Postcards: Just Listed and Just Sold
I am behind on getting "Just Solds" out because I do like to take photos with our clients upon the sale and with schedules that doesn't always pan out as easy as it seems. We have been VERY busy and I do believe it is because we are surrounded by great family, friends, clients and we are working our tails off. So a few people have come up to me since I have gotten a postcard out in awhile, but I am about six or seven in the hole. Yes I am an artist at heart and I find it difficult to just put out a postcard that is not without my unique "touch." I do like to pay attention to the details and good marketing. But to all: we are alive and doing great! Thanks to all of our clients that do participate in our post-sale photos!
If you have anyone relocating to or from the area, please give us the opportunity to interview for the job of "making the jump" easier!
Please feel free to use our tools for free and no obligation at: www.MakeTheJumpWithUs.com
For more information on the great Placer County area and fun facts: www.RosevilleAndRocklin.com
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your daughter is gorgeous!
Great post,
Relocation Houston Medical Center
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