First of all, thank you Margaret and family!
Great home and hopefully a great life for all ahead of you.
Thank you for working with us. Margaret found us on the internet!
Wahoo. All those hours make it all worth it. Google and Yahoo have been quite kind to us. Our pictures with the special people we have met are just fantastic. To have so many nice words posted and also this amazing collection of photos from some of the closings is just overwhelming. Sometimes schedules and settings don't allow for photos with ALL of our clients, but we still love them.
Okay stare at this picture ... I screwed up. I have some “photo bombers.” Initially our eldest daughter was and usually is insistent on being in our client “closing” picture. She even found an orange shirt at Target that she “had to have.” She says to me, “MOoooOOmmm I want RosevilleRocklin on my shirt.” I reply, “Hmmm Audrey let's look for a goldfish iron-on instead?” “Awwww Mommmmmm!”
But sincerely the girl loves being with us and helping Daddy. Well come photo time our girl got shy and that is more than fine with me. Yet both mini-O’s still found their way into the picture.
Best of luck Margaret and family in the new home. It was so wonderful to work with and get to know you. Thank you!!!
That is funny!!
Steve was a wonderful agent for us and Heather's web site was invaluable. We found the perfect home for our needs thanks to their efforts. Steve was with us every step of the way from viewing to bidding and through closing! It was great having his support. Thanks you both so much. Margaret
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