This article is from and is the property of the City of Roseville
Dispose of your cooking fats, oils and grease properly now and save yourself and costly mess in the future
It's that time of year when the cooking is kicked up a notch, turkeys, gravies, stuffings and pies, and while the food is fantastic, the cooking generates a lot of excess fats, oils and grease, also known as FOG. If excess FOG goes down the drain it can clog sewer pipes in your home or in the public sewer system that you are connected to.
Many people think once FOG is washed down the drain it is gone for good, especially when detergents claim to "dissolve" grease. In reality FOG doesn’t get far, as the water cools, it sticks to the inside of sewer pipes (both on your property and in the streets) and accumulates over time. This buildup of FOG can restrict or in some cases completely block the flow of sewage causing sewer backups known as sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs). SSOs can create serious public health hazards and damage property, which are expensive and unpleasant to clean up.
So how should we handle our leftover holiday FOG? First collect your FOG by wiping it from pots, pans and dishware. Larger amounts will require a spatula or grease scraper, while smaller amounts may only require a paper towel, and store FOG in a container either under the sink or in the refrigerator.
Once you have filled the container, you can dispose of it in a couple of ways:
(1) Call 774-5780 and we will pick it up on your doorstep for free;
(2) Bring it to the Western Placer Waste Management Authority’s Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Facility. The HHW facility accepts FOG everyday from 8 am – 5 pm and is located on the corner of Athens Avenue and Fiddyment Road (entrance is on Athens Avenue about 1.5 miles west of the Thunder Valley Casino) in Roseville. There is a limit of 15 gallons or 125 pounds of waste per vehicle.
For more information, go to
A nice article from the City of Roseville's website about disposing of your excess oils and fats. You do not want to put those things down your sink. Roseville will pick it up for FREE! 916-774-5780
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