Okay so many of my friends joke about my shock collar that I supposedly sport/wear because I rarely leave the area anymore. Unless of course I have one of my kids in the car for carpool. Just teasing, well sort of ...
But seriously, I have limited my needs to this area and quite frankly, most all have been fulfilled. Placer County rocks.
I have found a new hairdresser; I no longer have time with work and two little ones to go to my shop in Downtown Sac, nor to the one in Folsom. There is more than enough fantastic and affordable dining locally. We have a great mall (though slightly under scaled in areas, still amazing and they are hopefully fixing that issue with the new scheduled construction). I do miss the bumblebee park visits, but will enjoy the indoor one during the hot days of summer. It will be interesting to see the dynamic of children INSIDE the mall screaming like wild-animals. HAHAHAHA. I can only pray it doesn't ruin the teenagers shopping experience. "OmIgosh, can you BELIEVE that kid area? I totally had problems swiping my Daddy's AMEX card." As long as they don't remove the salt water tank with Nemo in it at a certain Mexican fast-food restaurant, all is good in the Ostrom hood.
The area that is so supportive of young families and killer facilities to use FOR FREE and/or at a reasonable price and I love it. I have to say I haven't taken complete full advantage of all that it has to offer, but I do my best, particularly my husband does.
Why would I leave this area? I have everything right here. I always get told to leave my area, and I DID work in Downtown Sac for many years, and there ARE amazing areas Downtown and other places, but I guess I am just comfortable here. I do realize that there are shops and dining Downtown Sac that cannot be duplicated up here to me, at this point in time. For me bonus to Sacramento, it seems like satellite school with some of the dining that has been transplanted here (sit down dining). They have tried, and though good and the same food, the ambiance is simply not there (yet). Especially when in a mini-mall atmosphere and there is still construction a stone's throw away. I do thoroughly enjoy the architecture of the old buildings with the new in Downtown Sacramento (see I am giving kudos to the Sac??). Sure we will have beautiful buildings and elegant dining here, but they are apples and oranges to me right now.
We did briefly live in the Pocket area, and I did LOVE that area. Very community oriented. Good times Steve and I had there and we still have so many people we often visit there and in Land Park. But I missed my hometown Roseville and I wanted to be closer to my mom and brother. But, I do "dig" some other areas. I DO, pinkie swear.
Enter relocation BACK to Roseville, CA.
I do have to say, the addition of the Roseville "Galleria" Mall was the best thing ever for me. I also loved where the city has gone with their public facilities and Parks and Recs. No matter what you think about growth of this area, talk about great shopping and perimeter area stores and the options for family and kids activities is FANTASTIC. It is amazing. You can find everything now. Everything is so close and accessible for all.
I love the Roseville, Rocklin and Granite Bay area. I also started thinking, past the superficial needs of my little world, I respect the hard work it takes to manage these areas and have the appropriate foresight to develop each area respectively. It makes me so sad to see an area that was once thriving, succumb to age, external social and financial circumstances. Or even a commercial area owner that doesn't see the importance of maintain it's facilities. We always have to keep caring and preparing for the future. To lie still is to die with a city. We have to perpetuate success and maintenance to instill care into the people it houses. Of course there will always be that neighbor that doesn't see why he should have his 3 junk cars towed. Nothing is perfect.
It is crazy how many wonderful stores we have to access and in general, such well-maintained areas. My few complaints are so minor in the scheme of things, but not really (the crazy, fast drivers on Pleasant Grove and Roseville Pkwy-the speed limit is NOT 65+). But I do realize this is everywhere; I still don't like it. Nor do I like passing by these 16-year olds wearing nicer apparel then I could've ever dreamed of at their age? I would like to see their parent's visa bill. SERIOUS! But that's another topic.
Me personally, I LOVE LOVE a developer that puts a couple extra minutes towards understanding a plant's growth before throwing it in the ground. There are so many beautiful trees and well-thought out shrubbery in the median and street perimeters (not always, but a good amount of them). Even the young neighborhoods, will develop very attractively in years to come with their canopy-like trees planted in some areas. BUT the way they placed the trees in some of these "5 years and younger neighborhoods," does require a little more practice when opening doors on the curb DOH!!!! There goes my car door ... AGAIN.
I look forward to raising my kids here. Sure, I didn't appreciate this place when I was young and couldn't wait to escape the simplicity of Roseville (at that time-we had Strings and Sizzler as our main dining, HERE I COME CHICO!), but now with having a family here, I love this area and all of the outlying areas. We have so much to access that is free and so many cool things.
Heck Steve O took the girls to the Indian Museum here in Roseville just last week. I have never been to the Telephone Museum. And I am anxious to check out the EcoStation in Rocklin here soon. There is also a lot of Farmer's markets in the areas, including the Downtown Roseville Tuesday Nights (through July, I believe). Of course, there is ALWAYS the great Folsom lake.
IF you haven't checked out the area's children's activities for summer, you are missing out. So many great inexpensive (and some expensive) options for your kids activities this summer. I loved the reading class at the Library. We won't talk about our Ballerina experience, but it seemed like a nice class, very nice parents and families.

Have a great Summer and enjoy these [seemingly] last cool days of Springtime.
Heather "Brown" Ostrom