I don't think it is cool to put down people that don't BCC mass emails, not everyone understands e-protocol for mass emails or even knows what that "slot" is for or has it "clicked" on their preferences to make it available on their email composer. I am not perfect either, on occasion I WANT people to know who I sent the email to for varying reasons (to let them know who I sent it to internally with friends and family particularly to avoid duplicates). Involving business and personal groups where they go past 5-8 people, I do my best to BCC. For those of you who don't have the slightest clue what I am typing about, it is Blind Carbon Copy via email. . I have had friends of friends casually take my email to add their mailing list, which is fine because the initial sender should exercise caution when intermingling friends and business. I actually don't mind personal emails so much being open and out, but you NEVER know when somebody my hit reply-all and burn you. Of course this is all hypothetical and I have NEVER had that happen to me (cough cough gag).
Perfect example of a public group emailing without BCC, and I will use pig-latin to disguise who I am speaking of, I enter the oseville-Ray hoto-Phay contest. I get the mass email to 20 or so participants "sorry you get the shiny 'good job on your photo but not' sticker." Which I have no problem with because I thought my photos were beautiful. BUT what I do have a problem with is the person who sent out the "shucks you lost" email sent it "to: everyone." WHAT?! I don't want my name listed out to everyone and strangers grabbing my email possibly? Partially for my ego and second just a big no-no to people you don't know and it involves business. A little email privacy and watch out for unwanted email hijacking! C'mon. Put it in the Monday Morning Meeting People.
Mortgage people, REALTORS®, representatives of various institutions and all people self-employed that have to send group emails for whatever reason, that is fine, but USE the bcc! For polite reasons and for emails getting high-jacked by spammers. I am going to do my best to get better at this, but I thought I would say to those who haven't a clue innocent or not.
That is all I have to say. You may surmise I received a ton of junk email today with 25 to 50+ name lists on way too emails to count today. I do realize the you may claim the irony of a emailing REALTOR® group, but PLEASE note I am not discouraging writing others, I am encouraging BCC for mass emails particularly in related fields.
I feel so much better now
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