Okay so I went to the Tech fair, per my hubbie's request because he knew I would enjoy it, and I did. And if you don't know, my background is originally and still is, graphic design.
This is why I am not pushy. You never know when someone has a better solution. Provide information and be available.
Okay on to the great parts, the speakers and people I met.
We saw Terry Watson (a Tech savvy Realtor®) speak, and we was by far my favorite. Well mainly because he validated many things that I already do do (do do?? wait what did she just type?). I utilize humor, with good information and try to stay approachable. Don't be afraid to be who you are. So I embrace my inner nerd, yet I find myself amusing still. I do love people and I love being up on new tech tools. Our good friend, Patrick Lieuw helped put on the event and he and many others did a fantastic job. I met a lot of fantastic new people and uh ...
Okay enough rambling, here are the cool things I learned that I would like to share with you I learned from the speakers (they were all fantastic) ...
I have a email signature do you? Don't think of your e-signature just in terms of email, think in terms of a blackberry or treo and/or your recipient. Use dashes in your phone number in your signature email and NOT "periods." I never thought of this as I do love "periods" in lieu of dashes in my phone numbers, but it is not functional as I was told for someone that wants to call you directly by accessing your "signature." Cool for stationery, but not email signatures.
A signature is the automated tagline at the end of your email with your important information.
What else did I learn, oh that I need the Jawbone phone set. I hear it is phenomenal.
Oh yes, that IS my daughter in the picture. Anyone familiar with the 2nd Ghostbusters? Remember the baby Oscar, but this is the girl version. She is a great girl, but a wild woman. She wanted to run and be free in this picture. Perhaps dismantle a few booths, pull down some table cloths, eat a few business cards — the usual in the life as a baby Realtor® assistant.
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