Forget the lead paint, what about hitting your head from near fainting at the thought of something coming out of your kid's belly button?
I am speaking in jest in regards to the lead paint of course, I do realize it is a serious issue, but there are so many things that hurt you and you have to be constantly on the prowl with little ones. Well I am still trying to eliminate those olly-Pay Ocket-pays from our house that were recalled, but I have, naturally missed a few abdomen clothed pieces and magnet shoes here and there. Luckily I have a 16 month old who can sniff out any small piece that may be lodged ANYWHERE. EEEK. You try to be a good parent, but nobody is perfect. I have combed my house for tiny pieces and obviously I missed one.
Okay so my littlest one and I were outside and I was sweeping and she was singing. Slowly wobbling towards the red wagon that holds so dear to her. On her wobbly way back, she turns to me and I near pass out when I look at her. Did she suffer a hernia? What in the heck is under her shirt? There's a belly-button sized projection sticking out from underneath her shirt. No that isn't a belly button? Omg what is that?
I am so paralyzed in all the possibilities I near didn't want to lift her shirt to find what I MIGHT find. My creative brain lends to many ideas some good some very bad.
I am sick to my stomach now thinking of what I might find, I lift her little shirt to check out the ole navel, GASP it is pink. WHy my brain didn't immediately register it as a piece of plastic, I don't know. I was scared to touch it, then I reach in and touch it ... AGGGGH it's hard. I say, okay be a big girl and just pull it out what if this is serious!??! I pull and it makes a uncork noise.
As though, nothing unusual had happened, my daughter saunters off back to the red wagon continuing on her yard duties. I examine it (see attached photo) and I still don't have the slightest clue which doll or body part it belongs to of my older child's. Why couldn't it have been white or purple? How did it fit so perfectly in her B.B. Why did it have to be pink? And why did that un-corking noise have to be so funny. This was a serious moment of fear. I make certain not to laugh out loud as I want to do and make this a funny behavior so I hide around the corner to bust out laughing. Kids are a lot of work, but they sure create the hardest laughs and biggest smiles inside and out. I love you my bambina #2.