So it wasn't AS hot today. I can tolerate this heat, minus that all goes "in theory" well with the kids. So Steve and I exercised a much needed day off today (still fielding calls and emails). We started the day checking out some sales at the mall and then we proceeded to the Chili Cook-off in Historic Roseville (that's where Main street dead ends).
There were great tastin’ chilis, but man they ran out WAY too early. Maybe the crowds were more than they could handle? I was really disappointed to not be able to vote because people ran out and they said it was not fair if not all participants had chili to offer.
Regardless a fun event, but there were a lot of frustrated and bummed people and it was only 1230pm. A 10am to 430pm event is what I was told. Hmmm ...
But the girls loved the pony rides. Such a nice family hosting the ponies and petting zoo ( out of Newcastle). We didn't venture into the petting zoo area with the ducks, potty bellied pig and rabbit, but the ponies were great. I kept on wondering why there were dads exclaiming out loud as their children rode the ponies, “Whaaaat? It was the horse?” Hmmm strange. When I say dad, I mean Steve. Perhaps genius placement for the pony ride at the exit and entry of the chili cook-off.