Okay enough tangent time ... life is GREAT. We have personally exceeded our personal goal for the year and we are pushing forward with excitement of what the rest of the year holds.
We are actually doing incredible, busy yes. We are working near every day of the week. We have been attempting to take time off here and there and enjoying growing up with our girls. I have been not doing every home sale posted by postcard as it was becoming somewhat silly at one point. My mind frame may evolve depending on the market, but I feel as though it lost it's impact with each sale card. I feel as though our personal meetings with friends and clients married up with our current internet presence as more impacting on our business than wasting more paper. I think for awhile I am going to do real estate listings only for printed postcards as I do still recognize their importance on a different level and not a sort of sole self-promotion.
On client-op pics upon closing: I haven't logged all the photo shoots with our clients that I need to ... but I am hoping to get most of them done with schedule permitting.
BUT I am super pleased with our new canvas bags. Don't forget you get entered in a drawing at Trader Joe's if you bring in your own bags and 5 cents off at most grocery stores (or maybe more) PER bag.
Above is one of our recent buyers and now good friends, the Zanzis. Dr. Zanzi is a dentist in Granite Bay. They found a beautiful two-story home in Roseville. Thank you sincerely Nader & Umi. This really is a beautiful home and functional! Your wait is finally over. :-D
And thank you to all of our recent closes! I know we are missing some much needed photos. Eek.
So we all know with the all that has transpired this week in the financial market and the revised bailout plan being passed, but what does it all mean, we have yet to truly see. With our current world, it is easy to look down instead of up. Push forward, this is the time to learn and grow with our constantly evolving world. I am trying to expand my knowledge with what we have ... there is business out there to be discovered and/or refined. Passion cannot be contained and positivity is contagious. Hard work and respect for your trade does resonate!
This week we will be having a beautiful new listing coming on in Granite Bay. A truly magnificent piece of property and beautiful home. The landscaping and natural terrain will amaze you and calm you. www.GreatGraniteBayHome.com (website under construction 10/6/08).
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