Tuesday, August 4, 2009

What's "the Best" mean anyhow?

It's hard for me not to snicker when I read, "I am the best [ insert profession here ]." What exactly does that mean? When you speak of yourself in such a manner does that really work? I suppose it does because it would naîve of me to not realize it's a Google world. Everyone has their niché and I bet that many like to read such language, but for me it seems like a term that insinuates that you just may not fit your big head through a door. Just sayin' ...

But hey if someone is googling "best+your profession" kudos to you. I like knowing we are great fit for just the right people. I am not sure I want to be the best for everyone. We all have our place and what we are good at and ultimately I feel that makes us better at what we do and how we proceed in life to work effectively ... Ultimately relationships established make business timeless and loyalty happen.

I firmly believe, "best" in any profession or product, resides in a match/fit of personality, working habits or desires fulfilled. For Steve's business, ultimately meshing communication styles and/or in real life (IRL) personality clicks has been our key to successful business relationships, BUT we are not perfect for all and if we only have an email to follow up with you, please know ... email is never a sure thing and can get lost in the mix (yahoo, yahoo, yahoo, yahoo) ... so it's hard when we don't get a phone number to follow up. Sometimes the emails go through, sometimes they don't ... Communication is a two-way street and sometimes it simply isn't going to happen unfortunately.

I mean ... we have a goldfish on our real estate home page, isn't that the universal sign for nice people? ;-) Give Steve a call anytime: 916-308-2446 ... interview him and see if he is your "best" real estate fit. He may not be ... but if our teams seems like a great option, we look forward to meeting you.

Have an amazing week all! Good luck finding your "BEST" in life.

Keeping it real in Roseville ...

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