Sunday, January 31, 2010

AB (Assembly Bill) 811: Making Roseville and Rocklin Homes More Energy Efficient

AB (Assembly Bill) 811: Thoughts by REALTOR Steve Ostrom

Here are some more articles we have found on the internet regarding AB 811:

Steve will be following up with future video blogs (VLOG) on this topic.

If you have any questions regarding this topic or any others, regarding real estate or the area, please give Steve a call.



Area, real estate and home information website:


The comments made here and on the video are only the opinion of REALTOR Steve Ostrom. Please study further in whatever measure you feel confident and comfortable, to formulate your own decision on this Assembly Bill.

Posted via web from rosevilleandrocklin's posterous

1 comment:

Jeff Green said...

Good video Steve. Keep on being a good helpful realtor.