Thursday, June 7, 2007

Eating Outside Rocks (that is if it isn't 100 degrees)!

I am just thinking. Wow is this one of the last times I can eat outside with a tolerable temperature and sans mosquitoes? Of course, I really miss my food being sprinkled with a dash of WNV* spray, but not really.

We had margaritas and tri-tip last night on our patio with our friends and it was DE-li-CioUs! Our 1-yr old thought it was a great opportunity to take a dirt bath in our recently de-weeded flower bed. Our other daughter, incessantly played her Shrek baby from McD's over and over again, but I didn't care, life was good. Weather, family, good friends and margaritas make for a perfect evening.

And yes, I will destroy that little baby doll that burps and screams "dada dada DaDaaaa." The team designing the "golden arches" meal play toys, is a sicko!

*West Nile Virus

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